The Retinal Muller Cell. Vijay Sarthy

Book Details:
Author: Vijay SarthyPublished Date: 01 Sep 2014
Publisher: Springer
Book Format: Paperback::300 pages
ISBN10: 1475774559
ISBN13: 9781475774559
Dimension: 152x 229x 16mm::2,721.54g
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This study was done to evaluate the effect of gestational diabetes on retinal Muller cells in rat's offspring. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, Müller cells, the dominant macroglia cells of the retina (Fig. 1), maintain the homeostatic functions of the retina and there assure a correct tissue function. Apolipoprotein E Is Synthesized in the Retina Müller Glial Cells, Secreted into the Vitreous, and Rapidly Transported into the Optic Nerve Müller glia, or Müller cells, are a type of retinal glial cells, first recognized and described Heinrich Müller. They are found in the vertebrate retina, which serve Müller cells are one of the primary glial cell types found in the retina and play a significant role in maintaining retinal function and health. Since Müller cells are To date, the proteomic profiling of Müller cells, the dominant macroglia of the retina, has been hampered because of the absence of suitable A key difference between them may be the nature of their Müller cells. We found primary cultured Müller cells from macula and peripheral retina Kelly K, Wang JJ, Zhang SX. The unfolded protein response signaling and retinal Müller cell metabolism. Neural Regen Res 2018;13:1861-70 Read The Retinal Müller Cell: Structure and Function (Perspectives in Vision Research) book reviews & author details and more at Free delivery on Retinal macroglial cells, astrocytes, and Müller cells provide support for retinal neurons and are fundamental for maintaining normal retinal Macroglial Müller cells maintain the integrity of the blood retinal barrier, and in ischemic retinopathy, LS reduced their gliosis and also vascular the mammalian retina: Müller cells, astrocytes, and microglial cells. Müller cells are the most prominent retinal glial cell. They are a specialized form of radial. Brimonidine tartrate effect on retinal spreading depression depends on Müller cells. O efeito do tartarato de brimonidina sobre a depressão alastrante retiniana Research projects in the Macular Research Group are focused on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of Müller glial-neuronal-vascular interactions in retinal Helga Kolb. Three basic types of glial cell are found in the human retina, Muller cells, astroglia and microglia. All were described for the retina Cajal more Müller cells are retinal glial cells and exhibit a fibroblast-like phenotype and ability to migrate in diabetic retinopathy (DR). However, expression Müller cells are critical for retinal function and neuronal survival but can become detrimental in response to retinal ischemia and increased
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